Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

I say this every year, and I mean it every time.  I finally get used to writing "2011" in my checkbook and it's already another year!  Is it my age that makes time seem to race by me or is it because I'm busier than ever?  That seems to be the two running theories my friends give me when I ask them why time flies.  I remember in grade school when a week would crawl by and summer vacations seemed to last forever!  

As tradition dictates, I will make (and probably break) my New Year's Resolutions:

*Eat healthier, workout consistently, lose some weight... yada, yada, yada.  Everyone make this resolution.

*Make more blog posts, take more pictures.  I averaged about two a month last year, with most of my posts at the end of the year.   I'm shooting for at least once a week this year.  Let's see how long that'll last!

*Finish two really old U.F.O.'s (As in, ten years and counting).

*Stay organized.  I'm actually really good at organizing my stuff.  Anything from my yarn and fabric to the family documents.  Staying organized and following my own organizational rules, on the other hand, is my problem.  

That looks like a short list.  But, hey, maybe I'll have some success with this year's resolutions.

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