Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mini Poppins

This year, for Halloween, M decided to dress as Mary Poppins.  Even though she made the decision early (in August), I was still putting the costume together Saturday before Halloween.  I wasn't completely lame.  The main parts of the costume were done very early. This is the pattern I chose for Mary's coat:

Since it's an adult-sized pattern, I was a little nervous about altering it to fit my ten-year-old.  We raided the older girls' closets and borrowed a black skirt and white blouse.  The hat was a bit iffy.  In the movie, Julie Andrews wears a black straw hat adored with daisies and beads.  I couldn't find an appropriate shaped hat anywhere and ended up making one out of felt.  I actually made it without a pattern!

A carpet bag was made out of clearance fabric:

And voila!  My very own mini Mary Poppins!

The only thing missing was an umbrella with a parrot handle.