I "discovered" Noro two years ago while I was visiting my sister-in-law in Connecticut. While my husband was enjoying one of his many games of Majong with this parents and sister, I ventured out to the local yarn store, Saybrook Yarn. The store had a nice assortment of yarns and patterns and the woman working there was very friendly. I fondled their many knitted samples on display and enjoyed digging through their ample sale wall. As I was deciding on which sale yarn to purchase, I spied a pair of beautiful socks that looked like it was dip-dyed. I loved how the colors flowed seamlessly into the next. I was sold. My first purchase of Noro was made with two skeins of rainbow-colored Silk Garden Lite.

Not knowing what to do with two skeins, I perused Ravelry and discovered the Noro Striped Scarf. My problem was getting my hands on two more skeins. Well, two skeins were found at my lys in greens, blacks and orange. Not exactly my colors, but I was willing to give them a chance. I cast-on for the scarf during a Girl Scout camping trip and was hooked. I couldn't wait to see the next color change and see how it blended the other yarn! Less than two weeks later, my first Noro scarf was completed.

Now since both my older daughters also liked the scarf, I vowed to knit at least another one some day. Last December, during a trek to a little town called Brunswick, I found the Brunswick Yarn Depot. I almost missed the store. It had no real sign and was a converted garage attached to someone's house. Not a huge selection, but the staff was friendly (aren't knitters always nice?) and helpful. I found some Noro-like dyed yarn called Poems. It's an aran weight, so I guess it more like Noro's Kureyon. I finished the scarf during a visit to my parent's and my mom really admired the scarf. Of course, dutiful daughter that I am, I gave her my Noro scarf. E loves her new scarf, Mom loves my old scarf and I'm left with a cold neck.

I knitted up a new Striped scarf with random skeins of silk garden lite that I had picked up here and there. I finished this scarf during another family visit. This time we were at my sister-in-law's. Since I wasn't crazy about the end product, I gave sis-in-law the new green striped scarf. I picked up more Noro at A Good Yarn in Brookline, MA and knit yet another striped scarf. Now I have my very one Noro Striped Scarf (again), my neck is warm and I can stop knitting scarves for a while. A long, long while