I bought six skeins of Drops Alpaca at Hither at Yarn in Torrington, CT for $5.25 a skein. The yarn is wonderfully soft and the pattern support is great. There were hundreds of free patterns on their website. Unfortunately, the patterns don't have names, but numbers. I suppose the numbers make the patterns more universal? Since all the patterns are translated from norwegian, names might not translate well. In fact there are 2853 patterns in British English but only 2224 in American English. Hmm. Anyway, there was a plethora of patterns for my yarn and I found a cute cardie that I liked. I cast on for pattern 88-4 in early September and love how the fabric turned out: nice and soft, just a little halo without being too obnoxiously fuzzy. I didn't even have trouble ripping back three inches when I discovered a random yarn over.
Since I'm a slow knitter, the cardigan is not done yet. I've got the main body done and the yarn really shows off the cables. See?

Since I'm a slow knitter, the cardigan is not done yet. I've got the main body done and the yarn really shows off the cables. See?
Both sleeves are being knitted up right now, to prevent "second sleeve syndrome".